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An Announcement from Zeit Stiftung

The Transatlantic Academy’s policy theme for the 2012-2013 academic year will be “The Future of the Western Liberal Order.”

The liberal world order, currently shaped predominantly by the West, is increasingly subject to external and internal pressure that could redefine the future international landscape. The ongoing fiscal crisis in Europe and the U.S. has weakened Western liberal governments, but the outbreak of democratic revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa offers the possibility of renewal of the traditional liberal model. What role can transatlantic partners play in the promotion of a free and enlightened world order in this changed landscape?

Fellows of the Transatlantic Academy include Yale political scientist and philosopher Seyla Benhabib, Frankfurt/M. political scientist Gunther Hellmann, Princeton University professor Jan-Werner Müller, and former German Ambassador to the U.S. Klaus Scharioth. During a ten-month stay at the Transatlantic Academy in Washington DC, the Fellows will research the rise of new forms of authoritarian systems outside the Western community, as well as internal challenges to traditional Western societies. They will also address the hopes and uncertainties resulting from political change in the Middle East.

For biographies of all Fellows and for more information on the Transatlantic Academy and the funding partners of the ZEIT-Stiftung, please see www.transatlanticacademy.org.