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Bucerius Global Legacy Profile: Ester Cara
Ester Cara is a student at Humboldt-University in Berlin, majoring in Cultural Studies and Musicology, and one of the Arnold Heidsieck Scholarship Fund recipients. We sat down with her recently to talk about her experience as a Heidsieck Scholar in New York City.
Cultural Studies and Musicology is an interesting topic, what led you to major in this field?
There’s just nothing more fascinating to me than people and their cultures…just their “innovative-ness” with cultural values and practices.
Why did you choose to study in the US? Nearly every culture around the world has a history of music, so you must have had a lot of option.
Yes! But I am highly interested in the various forms of blues music, and there was no other way to study that than to come to the country that has brought up this incredible musical style.
How do you think you’ve changed as a result of your semester abroad in New York City?
[I learned] the value of reading with the grain, instead of against it, when it comes to the similarities of various cultures. [All these cultures] comes together in this lovely melting pot called New York. The Heidsieck scholarship has helped me to always be focused on the where, when, and how academic and cultural exchange takes place…it’s a great benefit of cosmopolitanism, that it enriches my attitudes towards this world.
Thank you and best of luck to Ester in all of her endeavors! To learn more about the Global Legacy Fund and how you can contribute to student scholarships, please click here.