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Bucerius USA Welcomes the Governance Talks to NYC

On November 20 and 21 American Friends of Bucerius welcomed one of the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius’ flagship programs to New York City – the Governance Talks. Recent terrorist events in Beirut, Paris, and Nigeria, the on-going refugee crisis affecting Europe, climate change, cyber security, and the upcoming presidential elections in the United States were all part of the sessions held at the German General Consulate. Dozens of participants from the United States and around the world came together for this two-day gathering, organized in cooperation with the Indian Observer Research Foundation.

The Bucerius Summer School on Global Governance and the Asian Forum on Global Governance are at the center of the foundation’s investment in governance. Since 2001 the Bucerius Summer School on Global Governance has regularly brought together young leaders from politics, business, media and NGOs, and provided a forum for them to discuss the opportunities and risks of globalization with experts in the field. A short time after the Summer School launched, the Asian Forum on Global Governance began to educate and support young leaders at an annual conference in New Delhi.

Read more about the ZEIT-Stiftung programs in global governance here:
