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Call for Proposals for Helmut Schmidt Fellowship

PRESS RELEASE. BERLIN – The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) and ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius (ZEIT-Stiftung) announce the creation of the Helmut Schmidt Fellowship. This prestigious award will commemorate the life, service, and legacy of Chancellor Helmut Schmidt by supporting an individual’s research committed to advancing the transatlantic relationship or European integration in the academic or policy spheres with a focus on economic, foreign, or security policy.

As Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1974 to 1982, Helmut Schmidt strengthened both Europe’s internal bonds and partnership between Europe and the United States. His leadership and diplomacy were crucial to the success of the transatlantic alliance during this period.

“The strength and resilience of the transatlantic relationship today are due in no small part to Helmut Schmidt,” said Dr. Karen Donfried, president of GMF. “The German Marshall Fund is honored to host a fellowship that carries on his legacy. That legacy aligns closely with GMF’s mission of promoting transatlantic cooperation by analyzing policy, cultivating leaders, and developing civil society.”

As a long-standing member of the board of trustees of the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius, Helmut Schmidt continued to show exemplary statesmanship even after his exit from politics.

“The transatlantic partnership was always close to Helmut Schmidt’s heart,” said Michael Göring, chairman of the board of directors of the ZEIT-Stiftung. “He always believed in the vitality of the American people and the strength of their democratic instincts. Accordingly, the fellows are to develop fresh thinking on transatlantic relations. As a long-standing member of the board of trustees of our foundation, Helmut Schmidt was a role model for us in word and deed – and the Helmut Schmidt Fellowship is inspired by his outstanding political expertise and experience.”

The fellowship will be awarded to a German academic or policy expert to work on issues related to the transatlantic relationship and the European Union, specializing either in foreign and security policy or economic and financial issues. The fellow will be based at GMF’s Washington, DC, headquarters. The fellowship will begin in the fall of 2017. Further details regarding the fellowship, including instructions on how to apply, can be found here.