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Trajectories of Change

The ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius founded the “Trajectories of Change” fellowship in order to support Ph.D students in exploring the transformation processes of European political and social order. Events that have led to change have evolved over time and can be traced through history to the popular revolts and mass protests of today. That is the focus of this year’s “Trajectories of Change” applications.

The next deadline will be in Spring 2017. To learn more about this fellowship, click here.

You can learn about the past fellows here, including Anastas Vangeli, a 2014 scholar conducting research on Non-Democratic Elites as Political Innovators: Trajectories of Change and Convergence in China and Eastern Europe. He will be participating in a panel discussion at Columbia tomorrow titled “From China to Europe: Micro and Macro Dynamics of the New Silk Road.” You can find event details here.

ZEIT-Stiftung is also co-sponsoring a Think Lab program to explore the topic of populism in today’s global political realm, which will run for four days with a closing panel titled “Booming Populism: On the Practice and Language of Political Polarization.” Three Trajectories of Changes Fellows will be participating in the Think Lab: Anastas Vangeli (Warsaw), Anna Skripchenko (Bonn), and Theresa Clasen (Berlin). The panel discussion will be held on November 17th, and you can RSVP here.