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AFB President Participates in the BMW-Foundation Inseldialog (Island Dialogue)

The close German-American relations have been lost over the past few years. According to a study by the Transatlantic Task Force of the German Marshall Fund US, only 35% of Germans saw the US as a trustworthy partner in 2014. The NSA wiretapping scandal is only the preliminary point of alienation over the past years. Given the massive social changes in both countries – whether through immigration, demographic change or the loss of confidence in the political system – it is more difficult than ever to find new approaches for strengthening German-American relations.

The BMW Foundation has launched a Transatlantic Core Group, in cooperation with German and American partners, of young German and American executives who want to work over the next few years to revive the transatlantic partnership. The first results of this new initiative and the recommendations of the report will be presented during a panel discussion in Munich, Germany.


Karen Donfried – President, German Marshall Fund US
Nina Smidt – President, American Friends of Bucerius
Sabine Porn (Moderator) – Senior Program Manager, BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt
Juergen Trittin – German Federal Minister for Environment, Conservation, and Nuclear Safety