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DAAD Young Ambassadors Workshop

bls_campus_weber0380.jpg.thumbOn Friday, August 19, 2016, American Friends of Bucerius represented Bucerius Law School at an academic fair hosted by the DAAD. The fair was part of a program called DAAD Young Ambassadors, comprised of students who have studied abroad in Germany, and are now working to help inform their home institutions of opportunities in Germany for other students.

American Friends of Bucerius shared information about the programs at Bucerius Law School with the ambassadors, who will go back to their campuses to share this information with their peers.

Other representatives in attendance at the fair included the German University Alliance (Freie Universität Berlin and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), UAS7 German Universities of Applied Science, University of Cologne, So German!, Cultural Vistas, German American Chambers of Commerce, and Goethe Institut New York. We would like to thank DAAD for having us at the event and giving us the chance to share the BLS programs with their bright ambassadors!
