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Event Summary: Improving Access to Capital Markets – Regulatory Strategies in the US and Europe

img_3829On September 7, 2016, American Friends of Bucerius partnered with Fordham Law School to bring you a talk on Improving Access to Capital Markets – Regulatory Strategies in the US and Europe. After an introduction and welcome by AFB Director of Programs, Melis Tusiray, Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Veil gave a talk to an audience of about 30 students and scholars from the Fordham Law School and Bucerius communities.

The talk examined how small and medium enterprises (SMEs) fit into the economy on an international level – both in the US and Europe. In the United States, the JOBS Act was passed in 2012 to try to promote the growth of SMEs and the job market. It marked a shift in regulatory strategies that allowed for SMEs to more easily attract investors and make new offerings. In Europe, SMEs are protected by the European Commission Action Plan and important regulatory initiatives that make it easier for SMEs to have access to growth possibilities, although many of these policies are still in their early development and implementation stages. Prof. Dr. Veil explained the effect these regulations had on SMEs in both the US and Europe, and provided an overview of the challenges that lay ahead.

American Friends of Bucerius would like to thank Prof. Dr. Veil for his presentation, Fordham Law School and their “Visiting Scholars and Researchers” program for organizing the event, and the attendees for joining us. For future news on AFB events and programs, check back on buceriususa.org/our-events or sign up for our weekly updates in the footer below!

Bucerius Law School Institut für Kapitalrecht Prof. Veil Prof. Kämmerer Mitarbeiter

Rüdiger Veil is a professor at Bucerius Law School, Hamburg/Germany, and director of the Institute for Corporate and Capital Markets Law. He has published numerous books and articles on civil law, corporate and capital markets law, inter alia on “European Capital Markets Law”, Hart Publishing. Since 2014 he has been a member of the ESMA Securities Markets Stakeholder Group. Rüdiger also advises the German Federal Ministry of Finance with a special focus on the EU financial markets law, and has acted as an expert for the German, Chinese and Russian parliament.