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Heidsieck Scholar Profile – Antonia Koelbl

ko%cc%88lbl-antonia_pictureAntonia Anna Maria Kölbl is a 24-year-old from Munich attending Humboldt-University in Berlin, Germany. She is one of the 2016 Heidsieck Scholarship recipients, which is allowing her to spend this semester in the United States at Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson.

What do you study?

Since I am enrolled in a so-called Combination-Bachelor program, I have a major and a minor. The former is art history, the latter American studies. This current semester is my last and I will graduate in April.

Why did you decide to bring your studies abroad?

After having attended an American high school for a semester when I was 16, I was always curious about college. 8 years later, I am now given the chance to satisfy my curiosity. Furthermore, a semester abroad in the United States provides me with the great opportunity to study US-American art, culture and literature in its original context. This will certainly diversify my perspectives as a student of American studies. Studying at an US-college also allows me to familiarize myself with the Anglo-American academic culture from an internal perspective.

What will you be doing with your time here?

During my semester in the States, I am attending Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson. This renowned liberal arts institution allows me to combine my two disciplines, since the art history department offers courses in the American studies program. Bard’s curriculum further offers me the chance to familiarize myself with disciplines outside of my fields of study: I am attending courses offered by the music as well as the sociology and literature department.  Last but not least, I wish to utilize my time at Bard for preliminary studies in preparation of my bachelor thesis, which I will write after the semester abroad.

What are you most looking forward to during your stay?

The experience of studying at a liberal arts college and, thus, in a completely new academic setting is one of the things I am looking forward to the most. Also, I am certain it will be a very pleasant change of scenery for me: While the campus of the Humboldt-University is scattered across downtown Berlin, Bard’s comparatively small campus is on the Hudson River, surrounded by nature. While I am very much looking forward to Bard’s enclosed environment, the college’s proximity to New York City is equally exciting.

Do you intend to do any traveling while you’re here? Where to?

I am planning on visiting my host family in Goshen, Indiana over Thanksgiving. Although I have no destination in mind yet, I am sure I will travel over Fall Break as well.

What’s the one thing you brought with you that you can’t go without?

My fountain pen is the one thing I would not have left behind. It is the only utensil with which I can write comfortably, whether it is letters to Germany or notes for class.

We would like to wish Antonia the best of luck in her semester abroad as she completes her degree! Stay tuned for more profiles of our scholarship recipients.