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Bucerius 2017 Summer Programs


Bucerius Law School has opened applications for the 2017 Summer Programs in International Business Law, International IP Transactions, and Sports Law. Each program runs for 3 weeks from July 10-July 28.  The deadline to apply is May 1, but if you apply before March 1 you can receive a 15% early bird discount! See below for program details.




International Business Law

This program consists of six individual courses, allowing participants to select a schedule that will reflect their interests and earn up to 12 ECTS points/6 ABA credits.

  • Business Mediation
  • Corporate Governance in Publicly Traded Corporations
  • Int’l Commercial Arbitration
  • Int’l Commercial Litigation
  • Int’l Commercial Sales
  • Int’l Mergers & Acquisitions

International IP Transactions

This program is a joint undertaking with UC Hastings College of the Law (San Francisco). In addition to an exploration of theory and current practice in various markets and industries, participants take part in site workshops at Google and Airbus to discuss cross-border licensing and deal-making strategies with corporate lawyers and executives. The program culminates with a small-group negotiation workshop supervised by IP practitioners from major law firms; participants apply concepts examined during the program to establish terms for a license agreement. Successful completion of the program provides 10 ECTS points (equivalent to 5 ABA credits).

Sports Law

After a successful first run in July of this year, we are pleased to be offering our Sports Law program for the second time in 2017. This track focuses on the development of core competencies in contract drafting and negotiation to tackle the range of legal challenges faced by sports industry professionals. Participants will gain practical skills by taking part in moots and organizing a multi-discipline sporting event. Work in the classroom will be complemented by off-campus events, visits to area sports venues and talks with high-profile figures on industry hot topics. Successful completion of the program provides 10 ECTS points (equivalent to 5 ABA credits).

To learn more about these programs and how to apply, click here.