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Arnold Heidsieck Scholarship

Scholarships to the U.S. for Students in the Humanities

Heidsieck Logo_website sizeThe Arnold Heidsieck Scholarship Fund offers scholarships for one or two semesters at universities in the U.S. The Fund invites applications from BA-students in the humanities who are currently enrolled at a German university and have a focus on German culture, language, history, music, or art in their studies.

Each year four to five scholarships are awarded to aid with travel and living costs abroad. Selection is based on written applications. The first call for applications will be made in January 2014 for scholarships beginning in August/September 2014.

Arnold Heidsieck (1937-2009), philosopher and German philologist, taught as a professor at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Born in Leipzig and raised in Breslau, Heidsieck studied theology in Tübingen and wrote his doctoral dissertation in literary studies at the Freie Universität Berlin. His research initially centered on Kafka and his intellectual contemporaries; his later work focused on German post-war literature and representations of the Holocaust.

2014 Heidseick Call for Applications
2014 Heidsieck Terms of Reference
2014 Heidsieck Application Form

Contact person:
Dr. Anna Hofmann
ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius
Feldbrunnenstraße 56
20148 Hamburg
040 41336785
040 41336740
E-Mail: hofmann@zeit-stiftung.de
The Heidsieck Scholarship