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ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius and American Friends of Bucerius Host the Honorary Consuls in Berlin
Manfred Lahnstein, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius and former German Minister of Economics and Finance, gave the keynote speech on the value of international partnerships at a recent Bucerius luncheon in Berlin. At the event, which was attended by American Honorary Consuls and members of the Bucerius network, Lahnstein highlighted the long and important relationship between Germany and the US. Hamburg State Secretary Wolfgang Schmidt also welcomed the Honorary Consuls to Germany and to the Hamburg Representation in Berlin, cheerfully inviting them to visit the city of Hamburg on their next trip to the country.
Next, Dr. Michael Göring, CEO of the ZEIT Stiftung, spoke about the development of the ZEIT-Stiftung and the importance of a global worldview. He then invited Dr. Hariolf Wenzler, CEO and Provost of Bucerius Law School, to the podium. Dr. Wenzler discussed how Bucerius Law School has become the top law school in Germany, and highlighted international aspects of the academic program, including its robust student exchange programs between German and American law schools. Bucerius Law School has built one of the largest professional academic exchange programs in the world, with a network of over 100 partner law schools.
Afterwards, Dr. Nina Smidt, President of American Friends of Bucerius, officially launched the Bucerius Global Legacy Campaign, a drive to develop an endowment in the United States that will fund additional scholarships for students participating in ZEIT-Stiftung and Bucerius Law School programs. The endowment also will support innovations and capital projects for existing programs at the law school.
At the conclusion of the event, Holger Ziegeler, Director of the German Information Center USA, described the history of the honorary consuls in the U.S. and thanked Bucerius and Hamburg for hosting them on their bi-annual tour through Germany. He then invited David Murdoch, Honorary Consul for Pennsylvania, to the podium. Mr. Murdoch praising the work of the ZEIT-Stiftung, and how Bucerius Law School has become the top-ranking international law school in Germany, awarded the Honorary Consul’s Medal of Achievement to Dr. Göring.
“You are a forward-thinker,” Mr. Murdoch said as he awarded the medal to Dr. Göring. “One of the truly innovative minds in the nonprofit sector.”
The luncheon was held at the Representation of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg in Berlin on June 7, 2013.